ReferenceApplication Producer - Interoperability Test Data Generator

Common Tasks

Working through this tutorial gives you an introductory understanding of the steps required to implement Producer role of OOI Reactive Application. SimulatorInteroperabilityTest is a sample of the Producer part of the ReferenceApplication, which is an example of Semantic-Data reactive networking based on OPC UA Part 14 Pub/Sub specification. The Producer role serves as a data generator to be used for testing purpose aimed at supporting the interoperability tests planned by the OPC Foundation. In the production environment, you may replace this library by a custom one supporting more realistic process data acquisition scenario.

Here are steps undertook to implement the Producer role in the application:

  1. DataManagementSetup: this class has been inherited by the SimulatorDataManagementSetup class. It initializes the communication and binds the fields used to populate the messages and local resources.
  2. IEncodingFactory and IMessageHandlerFactory: both has been implemented in the external common libraries and Producer doesn't depend on the implementation - the instance of this interfaces are localized as services using the IServiceLocator interface implementation.
  3. IBindingFactory: has been implemented in the class DataGenerator responsible to synchronize the values of the local data repository properties and messages sent over the wire.
  4. IConfigurationFactory: the class ProducerConfigurationFactory implements this interface to be used for configuration opening.

How to: Implement DataManagementSetup

The SimulatorDataManagementSetup constructor initializes all properties, which are injection points of all parts composing this role.

  public sealed class SimulatorDataManagementSetup : DataManagementSetup

    public SimulatorDataManagementSetup()
      IServiceLocator _serviceLocator = ServiceLocator.Current;
      string _configurationFileName = _serviceLocator.GetInstance<string>(SimulatorCompositionSettings.ConfigurationFileNameContract);
      m_ViewModel = _serviceLocator.GetInstance<SimulatorViewModel>();
      ConfigurationFactory = new ProducerConfigurationFactory(_configurationFileName);
      EncodingFactory = _serviceLocator.GetInstance<IEncodingFactory>();
      BindingFactory = m_DataGenerator = new DataGenerator();
      MessageHandlerFactory = _serviceLocator.GetInstance<IMessageHandlerFactory>();



In this example, it is assumed that ServiceLocator is implemented to resolve references to any external services.

Finally the DataManagementSetup.Start() method is called to initialize the infrastructure, enable all associations and start pumping the data.

How to: Implement IBindingFactory

Implementation of this interface is a basic step to implement Producer functionality. An instance of the IBindingFactory is responsible to create objects implementing IBinding that can be used to read or generate (simulator case) from the local data repository.

This section provides hints on how to implement the Producer role responsible for:

  • generating stream of process data
  • packing the data into the messages
  • and sending the data over the network to all interested parties

The class DataGenerator captures implementation of a generator of testing data aimed at accomplishing interoperability tests defined by the OPC Foundation for PubSub applications. The example contains properties implemented as an instance of class ProducerBindingMonitoredValue. Modification of the ProducerBindingMonitoredValue<type>.MonitoredValue provides notification to the message handling state machine that a new value is available.

How to Guide

How to: Implement IConfigurationFactory


Implementation of this interface is straightforward and based entirely on the library UAOOI.Configuration.Networking. In a typical scenario, this implementation should not be considered for further modification. The only open question is how to provide a path to the file containing the configuration of this role. In proposed solution the file path is provided by a service defined by the application entry point and localized using IServiceLocator in the class SimulatorDataManagementSetup:

  string _configurationFileName = _serviceLocator.GetInstance<string>(SimulatorCompositionSettings.ConfigurationFileNameContract);

This role uses independent configuration file ConfigurationDataProducer.xml attached to the project.

Generated Data

This Producer sends out the following Datasets:

DataSet 1 (Simple)
Parameter Name Type Behavior
BoolToggle Boolean Toggles every 3 seconds
Int32 Int32 Counts (1 per second) from 0 to 10.000 and then resets
Int32Fast Int32 Counts (100 per second) from 0 to 10.000 and then resets
DateTime DateTime Current time refreshed with every packet sent
DataSet 2 (AllTypes)
ParameterName Type Behavior
BoolToggle Boolean toggle every second and send one per second
Byte Byte Counts (1 per second) from 0 to type-max and then resets
Int16 Int16 Counts (1 per second) from 0 to type-max and then resets
Int32 Int32 Counts (1 per second) from 0 to type-max and then resets
Int64 Int64 Counts (1 per second) from 0 to type-max and then resets
SByte SByte Counts (1 per second) from 0 to type-max and then resets
UInt16 UInt16 Counts (1 per second) from 0 to type-max and then resets
UInt32 UInt32 Counts (1 per second) from 0 to type-max and then resets
UInt64 UInt64 Counts (1 per second) from 0 to type-max and then resets
Float Float Counts (1 per second) from 0 to type-max and then resets
Double Double Counts (1 per second) from 0 to type-max and then resets
String String Spells the aviation alphabet (Alpha, Bravo �) (1 per second)
ByteString ByteString 1 new random ByteString per second
Guid Guid 1 new random Guid per second
DateTime DateTime Current time refreshed with every packet sent
UInt32Array UInt32[10] Length=10 Counts (1 per second on every element) from 0 to type-max and then resets. The count starting point for each value should differ
DataSet 3 (MassTest)
Parameter Type Behavior
Mass_[n0] UInt32 100 single parameters, each counting from 0 to type-max and then resets back (each with an offset of 100).
Mass_1 UInt32
... UInt32
Mass_99 UInt32
UPD Settings
DataSet DataSetWriterId Message Length Message Encoding
DataSet 1 1 2 byte Variant
DataSet 1 11 1 byte Compressed
DataSet 1 12 2 byte DataValue
DataSet 2 2 2 byte Variant
DataSet 2 21 2 byte Compressed
DataSet 2 22 2 byte DataValue
DataSet 3 3 2 byte Variant
DataSet 3 31 2 byte Compressed
DataSet 3 32 2 byte DataValue

Current release


  • This library is not considered to be published as the NuGet package.
  • Current configuration may not support all test cases described above.

See also

results matching ""

    No results matching ""